Volunteer Opportunity with ICA Vancouver

Join our team and help us promote Indian Culture in Metro Vancouver. Our aim is very simple – promote rich & diverse culture of India in lower mainland. Please submit your application to Volunteer with ICA Vancouver.
Volunteer Opportunity with Give Back to India

“Give Back 2 India” is initiated by Neeraj Kumar. Neeraj is a visionary who is always ready to take initiatives for the community. He is the founder & president of India Cultural Association Of Vancouver and many other social platforms helping Indian Community particularly in Metro Vancouver, Canada. He always believed that Indian Diaspora living abroad can help India in a greater way. GiveBack2India is such an initiative to provide opportunities for Indian Diaspora worldwide to come forward to help elevate India. He believes “Together We will Make Change”. Submit your application to Volunteer for Give Back 2 India.
Please contact us if your organization is providing volunteer opportunity to the Indian Community in Vancouver and if you would like to add your organization’s details on this page.