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international day of yoga idy 2024 vancouver bc
Vancouver Indian Community celebrates International Day of Yoga every year. We created this page to showcase all the events related to International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2024 happening in Greater...
ayurveda ati vancouver
Explore the Ayurvedic take on spring cleansing “Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.” Stanley Horowitz The above quote...
what is yoga
In the world that we live in today, mostly we understand YOGA as a visualization distortion of the body into varied poses that promotes health and fitness regime. But YOGA...
kriya yoga explained charat singh
The sentient science of yog has dig deep enough in the inner layers of human consciousness with the ability to clear the ailments of it from all levels. Among Many...
lmbcs health dayx1200
Updated on November 20, 2023 Lower Mainland Bengali Cultural Society (LMBCS) of B.C., a Registered Non-Profit in Metro Vancouver is Organizing a full day of Health Program geared towards the...
Today, 4th November 2022 is Ekadashi (Utthana Ekadashi) and on this occasion, I would like to explain the meaning, significance and importance of Ekadashi. It is important for our spiritual...
Sarvangasana Technique Lie on the back and relax completely.  Inhale as in complete Yogic breathing, then whilst inhaling slowly, raise the legs, hips and trunk in a continuous movement until...

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