Creative Kalam Canada Brings A Reel Contest

creative kalam canada reel contest cover image

How many of us have noticed that the era has changed with the arrival of “REELS” and “SHORTS”. All information, knowledge, lessons, art and craft, poetry, music is being expressed in less than 60 seconds with all its beauty and depth!

So, here we bring forward an opportunity to publish your 1 minute “Reel/ Short Video” to the vast public of Canada and around the world. We aim to feature all the reels made by beginners, amateurs or professionals, youth or elders, kids or seniors.

This July 2024 we announce the monthly ‘Creative Kalam Reel Contest’. Creative Kalam Club members will vote and choose the best reel of the month for the given topic based on views and engagement of viewers across various platforms where we will market and publicize your reels. Best reel will be given an appreciation certificate by Creative Kalam, Canada and prizes by our esteemed sponsors and community partners.

creative kalam canada reel contest vancouver 2024
Creative Kalam Canada – Reel Contest 2024


The topic for this month is Picnic/Travel/Outdoors. You will get many opportunities to travel during these holidays. Kindly record video /audio (max 1 min time) to share your message, thought, advice or inspiration and send us. You can be serious, funny, thrilled, engaging or creative in your expression. Reel, we mean here a short video, (In between 30-60 Seconds.) giving your message to the public on a given topic. You may make it using collection of pictures, text, voiceover, & music.

To participate,

  1. Make a video on the given topic. Try to record your thoughts in speech, quote, poetry, or play in a maximum of 1 min.
  2. You can use a serious, sincere, playful, or humorous tone. Language is no barrier. Feel free to share your text, personal Instagram profile link, in the video or message us to publish with your video.
  3. Message us your entry with reference to any Creative Kalam Club member you know. For example: ReelContest-Shalu#724. (724 is the number for the July month contest.)
  4. Language, Country are not barriers.
  5. Submit your entry by July 21, 2024

Please get in touch for more details and registration confirmation:

Shalu Makhija – 778-700-4451
Harish Masand – 604-537-2538
Monika Kodnani – 778-858-4037

Once your reference is verified, we will add in your entry.


  • Multiple entries – per participant are allowed.
  • All entries will be published in all social media platforms run by Creative Kalam, Canada. We will try to feature and promote your reel on all our social media platforms, however, if there’s any miss out, it will be purely due to technical reasons.
  • We encourage only positivity and kindness, so no rundown or hateful entries will be accepted.

Join in and feature your creative participation and enthusiasm for this unique, theme-based reel contest.

Please check our Facebook page for more updates. Please email [email protected] for more details or any questions you may have.


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