Petition e-4507 to Stop Hinduphobia in Canada Supported by MP Melissa Lantsman

petition recognize hinduphobia canada

There have been numerous attacks on Hindu temples and Hindus are feeling unsafe in their places of worship. A petition e-4507 is initiated to Stop Hinduphobia in Canada to be presented to the House of Commons.

The petition is seeking the following:

  1. Recognize Hinduphobia as a term in the glossary of terms in the Human Rights Code to describe anti-Hindu prejudice and discrimination;
  2. Recognize following definition of Hinduphobia : Anti Hindu sentiment or Hinduphobia is denial, negation, prejudice or vilification against Hindus, Hinduism, or Hinduness; and
  3. Fund the development of educational and training materials along with a plan to educate Canadians about Hinduphobia and anti-Hindu sentiment to raise awareness and address systemic and institutional Hinduphobia.

The petition is initiated by Vijaykumar Jain from Brampton, Ontario and supported by Federal MP Melissa Lantsman.

Click here to read the full petition


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