Tri-Cities Residents Launches “Make A Fuss Movement”

the make the fuss movement tricities

The Make A Fuss Movement is the brain-child of three Tri-Cities, BC residents – Mithila Karnik-Adarkar, Raina Vaidya and Saketha Tata.

What is The Make A Fuss Movement, you ask? To cut a long, spanning across generations story short – do you ever remember being told or telling another girl / woman “sshh.. don’t make a fuss.. it’s okay…”?

When do you think this was said? You really wanted that last piece of cake but mom saved it for your brother instead? You wanted to complain about your boss taking credit for your work but were shot down? You were eve-teased while walking down the street and felt like flipping the finger but had to bite on your anger instead? Your doctor misdiagnosed your symptoms (because women and their pain is frivolous) and now you are for the worse? You wanted to pass a snarky comment to the aunties asking when you will get married, have kids etc. and your dad shushed you up?

We could go on and on and on and on ….and so could you! So here is US telling ALL OF YOU to hit mute on the “sssssshhh” and MAKE A FUSS! MAKE A FUSS to smash whatever we can of this ridiculous patriarchy .. MAKE A FUSS so voices from the past can scream louder and clearer … MAKE A FUSS so we raise our sons and daughters differently. It’s the little drops that make up the most dangerous “her”icanes!

This is The Make A Fuss Movement and we are ALL INAre you?

Here’s what you can expect at CoSports on March 9:

A women’s only doubles Badminton tournament 10am to 12pm for all those aged 19 years and older. There will be a winning team and a runners up team and we have some amazing prizes sponsored by some kickass local businesses in the Tri Cities. 

Here’s what you can expect at Mabbett Hall on March 9. 12:30pm to 5:30pm:

the make a fuss movement acivities march9th 2024
Lots of activities are planned by the “The Make A Fuss” team on March 9th
  • Martial arts workshop for kids 5 to 12 and Self Defense Seminar for Women (Excel Martial Arts is executing this) 
  • STEM workshops for kids and a “Break-Through Tech” seminar (to get more girls and women into Tech)
  • Make-up and Styling Workshop for Teenage Girls (Colours by Anushka)
  • Vendors on site (women-owned businesses)
  • Speaker Circle Time with women from unconventional industries such as municipal governments, agri-tech, content creation etc. Our guest speaker is going to be Tulip Joshi – an ex Bollywood Actor with over 15 films under her belt and one of the panelists is also PoCo City Counsellor Nancy McCurrach
  • Storytime Read-alouds for toddlers led by youth volunteers

The “Made A Fuss” nominations will be announced prior to the speaker panel for the actual awards to be held in 2025 after which we will also play the social media video we will be shooting with kids for the theme “diss all labels, come as you are”.

We also have some awesome collabs in place Feb 1 to March 9 2024:

  • Cassandra Cake Co is launching a special “Make A Fuss” cupcake 
  • S & K Collective is launching merch – hoodies, tshirts, beanies for The Make A Fuss Movement
  • Roshni Wellness is launching a “Make A Fuss” sunflower scented candle
the make a fuss movement cup cake
“The Make A Fuss” Cup Cake
the make a fuss movement t shirt
the make a fuss movement t shirt
the make a fuss movement candle
“Make A Fuss” scented candle

These can all be purchased directly from their stores!! Please note all the collabs are to support three different charities: Soroptimist Society, Tricities Transitions, The People’s Pantry and apart from the business owners taking their “make and sell” cost, there is no profit margin for us as organizers. It all goes back to the community.

The above story is shared with ATI Vancouver by one of the founders of “Make A Fuss Movement”, Mithila Karnik-Adarkar. Buy your tickets online and follow their Facebook page for future updates.

Contact us if you have a story or buzz to share with the Vancouver Indian Community.


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