CDACC’s Gala Dinner brings together Vancouver’s Indian Business Community

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Canadian Desi Arts & Cultural Club’s Desi Business Networking Gala Dinner is going to be held in Burnaby, BC on January 14, 2023 at Royal Palace Banquet Hall.

desi business networking gala metro vancouver
Desi Business Networking Gala Dinner event in Metro Vancouver

The event is organized to bring the Vancouver Indian Business Community together. The organizer of this event Ajay Rana said “This is our initiative to give a platform to all desi business owners to gather at one place and mingle with a fun filled evening with music and a lot of exciting team building games”. Ajay further explained – in this event we will provide various opportunities for attendees to interact with each other and share references for future business.

People will enjoy a yummy vegetarian dinner buffet. Cash bar will also be available for people to enjoy drinks. If you operate your business in the lower mainland or surrounding areas then this is the best opportunity for you to meet and greet with fellow business owners and self-employed people in Metro Vancouver who shares the same heritage.

CDACC (Which stands for Canadian Desi Arts and Cultural Club) frequently organizes events like Kite Festival and Family Picnic, Navratri Garba and other social & cultural events for the Indian Diaspora in Vancouver which helps to keep the Indian spirit alive while living outside India. 

The net proceeds from this event is going to be donated to Indo-African Charitable Society for its projects in India. 

Supporters of the Event:

Various local business owners of Indian origin are supporting this unique networking event.

desi business networking event sponsors
Supporters & Sponsors of this networking event

How to attend this Desi Business Networking Event?

You need to register in advance to attend this event. Contact Ajay Rana @ 604-300-0425 or send an email to [email protected] or simply buy tickets online to reserve your spot for this networking event.


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